The CPU communicates with the PCIe bus controller through transaction layer packets (TLPs). The hardware detects when failure occurred, and the Linux kernel reports that as messages. The mentioned error pcieport XXXX:YY:ZZ.Z: AER: Corrected error received, is one of those cases…
Getting Column Name Bound With Unique Constraint
Here you can see, how we can get the column name bound with specific unique constraint name…
Splitting a Subdirectory Into a New Repository
First you must to clone the repository target:
Shell Script - Notifying When Directory Change
One of these days, I was needed to monitor a directory that constantly was modified. I had needed some way, get something that could notify me when the structure(file system) from directory
Shallow and Deep Copy in C++ Language
When we create a new object in C++, the default constructor already do the process known as memberwise copy or commonly shallow copy. It happens, because C++ compiler
Reading Parameters From Function - C
In this post, I was write as we can get the parameters given to a function in language C, using stdarg library, that declares a type va_list and defines three macros for
Rename Local and Remote Branch With Git
If you want rename a branch local and remote, follow these steps:
Get Size of Array With C Language
Language C has not function available that recover size of array by default. However, we can use a trick that do possible get such size. Look like on example below:
Pointer to Function With C/C++
Like any entity stored in memory, a function also has your own address and other resources stored on dynamic memory of operation system.
Creating and Saving Stash List With Git
When stash the changes in a dirty working directory away, we can can give a more descriptive message on the command line when we create one. By
Locking User Account Linux
The following command will lock an user
Disable IPv6 on Linux
IPv6 protocol is not always available in the local area network(lan), to avoid your DHCP connection configure IPv6 in your network card device, you can disable it through least
Show Only File Name With Grep Command
With grep and cut delimiter command we can get only file name where the occurrence of the input match. Below an
Replace With Stream Editor(AKA Sed)
The sed is command-line utility editor, which filtering and transforming text. Below an example of how it works
Flush Contents of a Memcached Server
The two ways following examples, show us how flush old data from memcached server through command line. We use netcat and
Remove Blank Lines With Vi(m)
If you want delete blank lines using VI(M) editor, you can use the following match regex ^$ to perform it on the command mode option(Esc + Shift + :) . e.g:
Capturing Groups Regex With Perl
Capturing groups in regular expression, against a scalar type, it’s possible when you use the variable
Searching Exact Word With Vi Editor
Below I explain you how search an exact word in VI(M), what you just need to do, is to put there on between
Determining Symbolic Links Java With Update-alternatives Command
With the utility update-alternatives, is possible you set versions of the Java installed in your Operating System Linux(which supports it), without need add or
MySQL - Searching for Distinct Fields
When you haven’t idea where one or more columns name are available, you can search them on all table of the database, using
MultiThreading - Future in Java
When we need performing concurrent tasks in Java, we have available since the firsts versions, the Runnable interface. This interface have only method named run. That method must be implemented by
Using Jetty Plugin With Maven and ActiveMQ
Configurando plugin Jetty
Para utilizar e configurar o plugin do Jetty através do Maven, é necessário adicionar no pom.xml as seguintes
Git - Revert Specific Files
Assumindo hipoteticamente que o hash para qual deseja reverter um ou mais arquivos é cf762e4c187b.
O comando abaixo irá reverter os arquivos foo1.txt e foo2.txt para o
SVN - Getting Revision Since the First Copy
Para obter o primeiro commit de onde foi
Grep - Exclude Directories and Files From Recursive Searches
Simplesmente, usando o parâmetro --exclude-dir para excluir
Remove Names Duplicates With Sort Command
É possível remover nomes duplicados de uma saída padrão com o utilitário
Prevent SSH Connection Time Out
Conexões estabelecidas de clientes SSHs, são automaticamente desconectadas do servidor SSH quando um
Reset All Commits From Repository Git
Para remover todos os históricos de commits e iniciar novamente o commit inicial, são dados os seguintes
Git Status With Grep
Para manter as cores na saída padrão, ao usar o comando git status junto aos utilitários grep, less ou more,
NMAP - Searching Open Ports Into Specific Network
Exemplo abaixo, busca por todas conexões SSHs em um range de IP da rede
Changing a Commit Message in SVN
Desde que esteja habilitado pelo administrador do servidor SVN, há ao menos duas maneiras de modificar as mensagens
Compress File With Git Diff Output
O comando abaixo demonstra como compactar um arquivo no formato tar, com arquivos que foram modificados são exibidos na
Searching for Table Name
No MySQL, tais informações metadatas, estão armazenadas na tabela database_name, portanto, um simples
PHP - Reusing Code With Traits
Propósito geral dos Traits
A Orientação a Objetos em PHP, não trabalha com conceitos de herança múltipla. Apesar da herança múltipla não fazer falta alguma em PHP(ou em qualquer outra linguagem), por trazer