Developer's Lab

By Diogo Pinto - DiØ

Pointer to Function With C/C++

Like any entity stored in memory, a function also has your own address and other resources stored on dynamic memory of operation system. Therefore, is possible have a pointer variable that pointer to the address to function stored on memory. The syntax to a pointer to function basically resembles this:

type_return (*variable_name)( type data of one and/or more parameters or no parameter )

For example:

int ( *pointer_f )( int );

In above example, we create a pointer that points to a function that has a type integer as parameter and return a type integer. Notice that, we use parentheses in the function declaration to alter precedence, which is greater than the asterisk(*), otherwise, without this, the compiler interprets the declaration as a function that will return an integer type and get an integer as parameter, look how:

int *pointer_f( int );

As previously described, we can use this pointer to a function that has an integer type parameter and also returns an integer type. See like it works:

int calculate_ip_broadcast( char * subnet )
    unsigned int bits = atoi( remove_dots( subnet ) ) ^ 0xffffffff;
    return bits;

pointer_f = calculate_ip_broadcast;

Notice that pointer_f now, points to the address from calculate_ip_broadcast function. Once pointed to target function, we can invoke the function through pointer, like any another function invocation:

int r = pointer_f( "" );

or, if we prefer, we may:

int r = ( *pointer_f )( "" );

With pointer function, we can work with call back techniques, allow us perform tasks complex of form flexible.

More about function pointer

Now that we known how works function pointer, let’s go learn more about this.

In C language we can work with function inside another as parameter, hypothetically consider the following code sample:

int * on_calculate( int f_calculate( int value ) )
    // ... something
    int result = f_calculate( 0x00 );
    int *p_result = &result;
    return p_result;

int calculate_form_one( int value )
    int exp = value / 0xff;
    return exp;

int calculate_form_two( int value )
    int exp = ( value / 0xff ) * 0xff;
    return exp;

main( void )
    * Let just passing function reference name, whose will invoke later.

    // this way:

    int *result = on_calculate( calculate_form_one );
    fprint( stdout, "Result: %d\n", *result );

    // or

    result = on_calculate( calculate_form_two );
    fprint( stdout, "Result: %d\n", *result );

We should not worry on details, just focus how it is possible and how we work with function inside another function as parameter.

Therefore, the following code snippet below, shows us a pointer to a function that get an another function pointer as parameter:

int * ( *pointer_f )( int ( *inside_pointer_f )( int ) );

Okay, that is really very obscure… this should to be explained:

pointer_f is the pointer variable name that receive another function pointer called inside_pointer_f as parameter that receives an int and return int. The pointer_f pointer then, finally return a pointer to integer type.

So, with the pointer pointer_f quoted previously, we are able to point to the function like it:

int * on_calculate( int calculate( int value ) );

Look as this is possible:

int * ( *pointer_f )( int ( *inside_pointer_f )( int ) );
pointer_f = on_calculate;

Then, we invoke this way:

printf( "%d\n", *pointer_f( some_calculate_function ) );

Above, we pass the function responsible by calculate, through function pointer. Notice that this becomes so much flexible, we need just give calculate responsible function, then, we call back as required:

printf( "%d\n", *pointer_f( calculate_form_one ) );
printf( "%d\n", *pointer_f( calculate_form_two ) );
// and so on...

The declaration int * ( pointer_f )( int ( inside_pointer_f )( int ) ) can be often times a confuse syntax and declare this every time, is really so hard. Because of this, we can use the typedef reserved keyword, to define a type to hidden this complexity.

typedef int * ( *pointer_f )( int ( *inside_pointer_f )( int ) );

Now we can use this form:

pointer_f * pointer_function;
pointer_function = on_calculate;
printf( "%d\n", *pointer_function( calculate_form_one ) );
printf( "%d\n", *pointer_function( calculate_form_two ) );

Below, follows a complete example:

#include <stdio.h>

 * Function pointer that returns a pointer to integer type. This function has
 * three parameters. One of them is a pointer to function that get two integers
 * parameters and that return an integer type. Anothers two parameters are an
 * integer types.
typedef int * ( *pointer_f )( int ( *inside_pointer_f )( int, int ), int, int );

int *
on_calculate( int calculate( int, int ), int valueX, int valueY )
    int result = calculate( valueX, valueY );
    int *p_result = &result;
    return p_result;

multiplication( int valueX, int valueY )
    return valueX * valueY;

addition( int valueX, int valueY )
    return valueX + valueY;

subtraction( int valueX, int valueY )
    return valueX - valueY;

division( int valueX, int valueY )
    return valueX / valueY;

main( void )
    // References the function.
    pointer_f pointer_function = on_calculate;

    // Now we can to dereferences the function and gives it another
    // function as parameter that we desired to calculate.

    printf( "%d\n", *pointer_function( multiplication, 5, 5 ) );
    printf( "%d\n", *pointer_function( addition, 10, 7 ) );
    printf( "%d\n", *pointer_function( subtraction, 5, 2 ) );
    printf( "%d\n", *pointer_function( division, 15, 3 ) );

And, the expected output respectively are:


Returning pointer to function

It is possible also, returns pointer to function, according syntax above:

int( *return_point_to_function() )()
    int ( *pnt_fn_ret_integer_type )() = some_function_that_return_int;
    return pnt_fn_ret_integer_type;

Is important emphasizes that, rather than we use “int ( *return_point_to_function )()”, we use the parentheses after name return_point_to_function, because else, the compiler could to intepret it as a declaration of pointer to a function and not a function that returns a pointer to function.

Let’s go see a practice example. Let us suppose that we have this functions:

    return n_users_actives;

    return n_users_inactives;

With our function that returns a pointer to function previously quoted, we could do something like it:

( *get_number_of_users() )()
    int ( *pointer_function )() = get_number_of_users_actives;
    // or
    int ( *pointer_function )() = get_number_of_users_inactives

    return pointer_function;

As we can see, the function above returns a pointer to one of two function desired.

To show this working, follows an example more detail what we can do:

#include <stdio.h>

#define ACTIVE 1
#define INACTIVE 0

    int n_users_actives = 10;
    return n_users_actives;

    int n_users_inactives = 50;
    return n_users_inactives;

( *get_number_of_users( int is_active ) )()
    int (*pointer_function)();
    if ( is_active )
        pointer_function = get_number_of_users_actives;
        pointer_function = get_number_of_users_inactives;

    return pointer_function;

    int ( *result )() = get_number_of_users( ACTIVE );
    printf( "Users actives: %d\n", result() );

    result = get_number_of_users( INACTIVE );
    printf( "Users inactives: %d\n", result() );

The output is:

Users actives: 10
Users inactives: 50

Again, is advisable to use the typedef keyword to facilitate the use this complex syntax and becomes it more readability. For instance, see how would be with typedef:

typedef int ( *get_number_of_user )();
typedef get_number_of_user POINT_TO_GET_NUMBER_USER;

So, we can change our function get_number_of_users to this:

POINT_TO_GET_NUMBER_USER get_number_of_users( int is_active )
    POINT_TO_GET_NUMBER_USER p_get_number;
    if ( is_active )
        p_get_number = get_number_of_users_actives;
        p_get_number = get_number_of_users_inactives;

    return p_get_number;

and finally, in main function, would be:

    POINT_TO_GET_NUMBER_USER result = get_user( ACTIVE );
    printf( "Users actives: %d\n", result() );

    result = get_user( INACTIVE );
    printf( "Users inactives: %d\n", result() );


When we use typedef keyword to define a function pointer, we shouldn't use the parentheses as we had done previously in function pointer definition. Look:

int * ( *point_f )();
Above, was declared a function pointer that return a type integer pointer.

int * ( *point_f() )() { ... }
Above, was implemented a function called point_f that return a function pointer that return a type integer pointer.

typedef int * ( *point_f )();
Above, was declared with typedef keyword a function pointer that return a type integer pointer.

Notice that, with typedef keyword, we do not use the parentheses after name, it because we do it when we create a function with using the typedef definition:

point_f do_something()

If we use parentheses in typedef keyword, we will get errors in compilation time.

Now look this curious case:

addition( int valueX, int valueY )
        return valueX + valueY;

( *calculator() )()
    int (*p_function)( int, int ) = addition;
        return p_function;

Notice that, the calculator function, returns a function pointer that receives two integers types and returns a type integer. However, the signature from function tell us this:

int ( *calculator() )();

This occurred because the compiler C, infers the parameters type from pointer function and allow us omits it, otherwise, we should do it this way:

int ( *calculator() )( int, int );

If by change we specific the parameters types in calculator function, we are obliged to put the two parameters and not just one:

int ( *calculator() )( int ); // Error compile

The same occurs in declaration:

    // We can use this way
    int ( *result )() = calculator();

    // Or this way
    int ( *result )( int, int ) = calculator();

    // But we cannot this way
    int ( *result )( int ) = calculator();

Finally, the last example of how we can use function pointer. Here we show a function pointer that returns a pointer to array of function of the type integer.

int ( **pointer_function_to_array_of_functions_int() )();

As show above, we have a function that returns a function pointer to pointer, that points to an array of function that returns an integer type. With this function, we can returns something like this:

int ( *function_pointer_int[] )() = { function_int_one, function_int_two, ... };

All right, this is more easier with an example. Let rewrites our code used previously that calculate two numbers with four operations mathematic:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef int * ( *FUNCT_PNT )( int, int );

multiplication( int valueX, int valueY )
    return valueX * valueY;

addition( int valueX, int valueY )
    return valueX + valueY;

subtraction( int valueX, int valueY )
    return valueX - valueY;

division( int valueX, int valueY )
    return valueX / valueY;

int ( *p_list_fn_operations[] )() = { multiplication, addition, subtraction, division };

( **calculator() )( int, int )
    * There's no need to use an address-of operator on array, like this:
    * int ( **p_fn_operations )( int, int ) = &p_list_fn_operations[ 0 ];
    * since arrays decay into implicit pointers on the right-hand side of
    * the assignment operator.
    int ( **p_fn_operations )( int, int ) = p_list_fn_operations;
    return p_fn_operations;

    // Arrays are implicitly convertible to pointers, so it would be
    // the syntax below with double pointer:
    int ( ** ( *pointer_function_to_calculator )() )();
    pointer_function_to_calculator = calculator;
    int ( **list_of_operation )();

    list_of_operation = ( *pointer_function_to_calculator )();

    // For each operations, we use an increment arithmetic to go through
    // of array of pointer, searching by each of that operations.
    printf( "Multiplication = %d\n", ( * list_of_operation )( 6, 6 ) );

    printf( "Addition = %d\n", ( * list_of_operation )( 10, 7 ) );

    printf( "Subtraction = %d\n", ( * list_of_operation )( 10, 4 ) );

    printf( "Division = %d\n", ( * list_of_operation )( 81, 9 ) );

The output will be:

Multiplication = 36
Addition = 17
Subtraction = 6
Division = 9

Extra about function pointers

In C language, the library signal.h have a function called signal, that provides a simple interface for establishing an action for a particular signal.

The said function is the sighandler_t function, whose is a function pointer that points to a function that returns void. That function will go handlers the integer type argument givens, configuring your respective signal number. So, functions like this, are handles this way:

void handler (int signum) {  }

And here, the signal function itself:

sighandler_t signal( int signum, sighandler_t action )

The signal function establishes action as the action for the signal signum.

The first argument, signum, identifies the signal whose behavior we want to control, and should be a signal number The second argument, action, specifies the action( function ) that will be handlers the signal.

#include <signal.h>
typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);
sighandler_t signal(int signum, sighandler_t handler);

For more details, type man signal.

Another famous utility in C language is the qsort function, from stdlib.h library, that have the following declaration:

void qsort( void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
            int( *compar )( const void *, const void * ));

The Linux manual page, describe the following:

The qsort() function sorts an array with nmemb elements of size size. The base argument points to the start of the array.

The contents of the array are sorted in ascending order according to a comparison function pointed to by compar, which is called with two arguments that point to the objects being compared.

The comparison function must return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second. If two members compare as equal, their order in the sorted array is undefined.

So, here we going see an example of how this works:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int desc_sort( const void *v1, const void *v2 )
    int first = *( int *) v1;
    int second = *( int * ) v2;

    if ( first > second )
        return -1;
    else if ( first == second )
        return 0;
        return 1;

int main()
    int array[ 10 ];

    int i;
    for ( i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
        array[ i ] = i;

    qsort( array, 10 , sizeof( int ), desc_sort );

    for ( i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
        printf ( "%d\n", array[ i ] );

the output will be:


For more details, type man qsort.
